MASSIVE MASTERING - Online File Management System

Welcome to the MASSIVE Mastering File Upload/Download Control Panel (a.k.a. “File Chucker”). Should be fairly self-explanatory. You can upload files for processing and the system will notify us when the upload is complete. You may upload ZIP’d files to save time if you like. HOWEVER, keep in mind that the php scripts on this server may be subject to a 20-minute time-out. Not a problem with fast connections - but if in doubt, send groups of individual files as opposed to a single ZIP. Every added file will open a new file browser so you can add as many files as necessary. IF YOU HAVE ISSUES UPLOADING -- Timeouts, incomplete uploads, etc., even after attempting single file uploads, please don't hesitate to contact us for an alternate upload option.

When your project is processed, test files will be uploaded to your private folder. You will be notified via the e-mail address you provided when you established your account (the e-mails will come from or -- Please make sure any SPAM filtering will allow these addresses to go through).

For more information if you’re a new client, feel free to read “Getting Started” which goes over most of the specifics about how your project will be handled.


MASSIVE Mastering Upload - Download Manager


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